
Stopped by a train

I took the kids to the duck pond in front of Newport yesterday. The kids had a good time, and so did this guy. We fed them an entire bag of cinnamon raisin bagels. mmm...
This is Crosby Coffins. WHAT!? Yes. Crosby's first coffin store! It sits right next to Mr. P's Clipper Cuts. I found the link to Crosby Coffins, and it looks very nice. I really like the Texas themed coffin!

I'm not sure what this building is or was. It's abandoned, and I'm guessing it will be torn down soon. If anyone has any info on it, I'd be happy to post it.

And yet another photo of The Velvet Peddler. I can't get enough! I also can't get there after they open in the morning!

I love the Crosby Antique Emporium. Simply because it is turquoise! I wish I could get there when they're open to take pictures though, because it looks like they've got some very unique stuff in there!

I want to say thanks to everyone who has passed this around Facebook!

Thank you for your support in my photographic journey!


  1. Where is that abandoned building with the red door? I think "3 Wheelers" would be cute in front of it....heehee

  2. It backs up to the railroad tracks, next to the auction house. And yes, it's an excellent location for some portrait photography.

  3. I agree - was thinking the same thing!!

  4. P.S. I am creeped out by the Crosby Coffin place. I'm thinking this would be a great place to do some Halloween themed photos though - lol.
